Geunyong Park

Geunyong Park

Assistant Professor

NUS Business School


I am an assistant professor in the Department of Strategy and Policy, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore. I have research interests in technological change, labor economics, public economics, and various topics in applied microeconomics.


  • Technological Change
  • Labor Economics
  • Public Economics
  • Applied Microeconomics


  • PhD in Economics, 2023

    University of Rochester

  • MA in Economics, 2018

    Yonsei University

  • BA in Applied Statistics, 2014

    Yonsei University


Are Adolescents Addicted to Smartphones?: A Perspective Using the Rational Addiction Model

Working Papers

The Opioid Crisis and the Location of Work: Evidence from Online Job Profile Data

Abstract: While growing evidence indicates that the opioid crisis has led to a reduction in local labor supply, whether this decline can be attributable to worker flow in and out of the local area remains unclear. Using over 130 million online job profiles of workers in the US, this paper investigates the effect of the opioid crisis on workers’ location choices. Our job profile data capture worker-level job transitions from 2007 to 2019, allowing us to measure the inflow and outflow of workers for every county pair. We use a difference-in-differences design that leverages geographic variation in exposure to the 2010 reformulation of OxyContin, which led to a large transition from prescription opioids to illicit opioids. We find strong evidence that this transition toward illicit opioids resulted in an increased net outflow of workers away from counties more affected by the reformulation relative to those less affected. Moreover, we show that the increase in net outflow is more pronounced among higher-skilled workers, leading to a substantial decrease in the average skill level of the workers in highly exposed areas. Finally, we investigate the economic consequences of the net outflow among high-skilled workers and demonstrate that the reformulation is associated with a decline in local innovation in terms of patent filings and startup formation. Overall, our findings suggest that the opioid crisis adversely affects both the quantity and quality of local labor supply by influencing workers’ location choices, eventually leading to a deterioration in the economic prospects of affected areas.

The Opioid Crisis and Firm Skill Demand: Evidence from Job Posting Data

Abstract: While growing evidence suggests that the opioid crisis has reduced employment levels, little is known about how the crisis has affected job skill requirements—tools that employers use to screen job candidates. Using data on the near universe of US job vacancies, this paper studies the impact of the opioid crisis on employers’ job skill requirements. Specifically, we investigate the effect of the reformulation of OxyContin, which represents one of the most substantial reductions in the availability of abusable prescription opioids. Prior studies have documented that the reformulation resulted in a large transition from prescription opioids to more dangerous illicit opioids. Using a difference-in-differences event study design that exploits firm-level variation in exposure to reformulation, we show that this transition toward illicit opioids has reduced employment at the firm level. Furthermore, we find that firms have increased requirements for cognitive and computer skills in response to this crisis. Finally, we find that the reformulation has resulted in reductions in local store sales, firm revenue, and firm capital stock, highlighting how the opioid crisis may impact firms’ hiring decisions by affecting various aspects of firms’ constraints and considerations. Our findings emphasize the distributional consequences of this crisis: less-skilled workers may experience a disproportionate impact from the increased skill requirements, even among workers without a history of opioid use disorders.

Racial and Ethnic Inequality and the China Shock

Abstract: This paper examines how the labor market effects of import competition vary across Black, Hispanic, and white populations. For a given level of exposure to imports from China, we find no evidence that minority workers are relatively more harmed than white workers in terms of their manufacturing employment. However, exposure to trade shocks varies greatly across groups. Black workers are less likely to live in areas or work in industries facing import competition, resulting in less negative effects of the China shock on manufacturing employment relative to whites. Black workers also benefit disproportionately from the shift towards non-manufacturing employment resulting from the China shock, partially due to their overrepresentation in services at baseline. In contrast, Hispanic workers are overrepresented in exposed industries, though not in exposed geographic areas, meaning that on net they face greater manufacturing employment losses relative to whites. In addition, they experience relative losses in non-manufacturing employment, largely due to their lower educational attainment and baseline industry mix. Overall, the China shock increased the Hispanic-white employment gap by about 5%, though these effects are short lived and converge later in the time period we study. However, the China shock narrowed the Black-white employment gap by about 15%. While many labor market trends in recent decades have served to exacerbate Black-white gaps, import competition is a modest offsetting force.


Managerial Economics (Undergraduate)

Spring 2024

Econometrics (Undergraduate)

TA: Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021, Spring 2022, Fall 2022

Topics in Macroeconomics (Graduate)

TA: Spring 2018
